
Blog posts of '2015' 'June'

Eagle Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

Eagle are large bird of prey that come in many varieties but are distinguishable by their large size, power build and heavy head and bill. They are equipped with very large and powerful hooked beaks, strong legs and sharp talons. Eagles are one of the few animals that mate for life. They build nest or "eyries" in tall trees or cliffs and usually lay two eggs. But the older and larger chick usually kills the other one as soon as it hatches, leaving only one. 

Eagles are powerfully symbols in many cultures. For both the Greeks and Persians, the eagle was sacred to Apollo, the personification of the sun. Egyptians worshiped the eagle and thought him sacred to Horus, the sun god. It was the sacred emblem of Jupiter, Roman ruler of all gods. And the Druids held the eagle as the highest of all gods. The eagle symbolizes freedom to many people, with its ability to fly to tops of mountains and swoop silently into valleys. While the lion may rule the animals on land, the eagle is the king of sky. Eagles appear in many national symbols including the United States, Austria, Nigeria, Poland and Rome to name a few. 

As a tattoo symbol, the eagle symbolizes freedom and sovereignty. It also represents speed, alertness and power. It also stand for courage or fearlessness when shown with thunder and lightning. When shown with a snake, it symbolizes conflict. Many patriotic tattoos depict eagles because of the association with so many national flags and crests.

 Color Eagle Tattoo Designs


Black & Gray Eagle Tattoo Designs



Tribal Eagle Tattoo Designs




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Dolphin Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

Dolphins appear in many Greek and Roman myths, always helping humans. Dolphins were said to bring humans who were lost at sea back home or to save sailors from drowning. They were the messengers and errand runners of Poseidon, Greek god of the sea. In Greece, killing a dolphin was considered the same as killing a human and punishable by death. The Hindus believed that dolphin heralded Ganga's, goddess of the Ganges River, descent from the heavens. She even sometimes rode a dolphin. Celts associated the dolphin with the healing power of water and Australian Aboriginal tribes claim to be direct descendants of dolphins. Amazonian's even tell stories of local river dolphins taking human form and courting young girls. 
Dolphin tattoos were very popular in the sixties and continue to be common today. Those who wear dolphin tattoos are inspired by the intelligence, resourcefulness, and protection that the gentle water mammals are known for. 

The name dolphin means and the species includes not only your typical dolphin, but also the orca, more popularly referred to as the killer whale. Mammals like us, these creatures are warm-blooded, intelligent and give birth to live young.

They arrange themselves into families known as pods, and have developed a very sophisticated method of communicating using clicks, screeches and sonar.

Dolphins are smart and quick creatures, with maximum speeds of 30 mph and an intelligence that is comparable (or even possibly above) that of chimps and other apes and primates.

While dolphins require air for survival just as we do, they have an impressive ability to hold their breaths for several minutes and are capable of fast and deep dives exceeding 1,000 feet!

Our interaction with dolphins doesn't just stop there, dolphins also show up often in our subconscious minds in the forms of dreams. While traditionally, the appearance of a dolphin in your dream might be a negative omen that your will soon be coming under an new government, today the meaning of dolphins has grown along with our understanding of these gentle, intelligent creatures.


In dreams, dolphins will often communicate to us that their spirit is always with us, guiding us and helping to protect us. In other dreams, the dreamer will magically morph into the form of a dolphin, and be accepted as a playmate to go and frolic with a pod. More commonly, dreams of dolphins can speak of several virtues or situations, including:


The rhythm of life, and finding our place within it

Pranha, or the Breath of Life

Water Energy and power





Freedom, or

Safe travel


The dolphin has joined the ranks of creatures that have captivated us not only in our waking ours, but in our dream lives as well.

Dolphin Tattoo Design Ideas:
Because the dolphin can mean so many different things to wide groups of incredibly diverse people, there's no wrong way to design a dolphin tattoo. It should be noted though that most dolphin designs depict the dolphin breeching or playing on the surface, and rarely swimming through the depths of the sea.

Dolphin tattoos may include several members of a pod, or perhaps just a mother dolphin and her calf or her mate. Dolphin designs integrate well with both Celtic and tribal tattoo designs, and can be manipulated to create fantastic armbands.

Two dolphins forming a circle, with noses to tails can make a perfect design to surround navels or nipples, and you can always combine dolphins with other popular tattoo designs to make your own unique statement.

Pink dolphins, green dolphins, blue dolphins, silver or black dolphins regardless of the size or color, the dolphin's eyes will still shine with that nearly human intelligence which they uniquely possess. Alone or in pods, paired with mermaids or whales, the dolphin will always serve as our unique link to the underwater world.

BWF-00374 BWF-00368SHF-00039



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How to Make Sure You Are Choosing The Right Tattoo Artist

Once you have decided to get a tattoo, you may think the hard work is over. After all, what could be more important to the tattooing process than deciding what you want tattooed on you and where you want it? While there is nothing more crucial to your tattoo satisfaction than getting the perfect tattoo in the perfect place, if you fail to select an artist that will be able and willing to work with you that perfect tattoo, you will find that in the end it is not so perfect after all.

When you are looking for a tattoo artist to ink your tattoo, there are several things to keep in mind. First of all, remember that you do not have to go with the first artist you meet. Getting a tattoo is a personal experience for you and the artist because you are getting a permanent expression of some part of yourself visually displayed in the form of a tattoo, and the artist is creating a piece of artwork on your skin. As a result, most tattoo artists recognize how important it is to their work and your satisfaction with your tattoo that the two of you work well together. Most will not be offended if you opt to do some more investigation before making a final decision, and those that are often would prove far too inflexible to work with anyway unless you have no preferences whatsoever on the look or location of your tattoo. It helps to think of the tattoo artist selection process as a dual interview process. You are interviewing the artist, but they are also interviewing you as a client to make sure that the two of you will work well together to achieve mutually acceptable goals. 

Here are some things to consider when selecting a tattoo artist:

Are you comfortable in their tattoo environment?

If you get nervous around heavy metal and skull tattoo designs, but the studio is full of both, you will need to determine whether or not you will be able to hold still and remain calm for an hour or more in such a setting. If not, you might want to see if the artist works elsewhere or if you can come in early before things get hectic. If not, then you may  need to investigate other options. 

Will they work with your art?

The best way to insure that you will be totally happy with your new tattoo is to bring a stencil and even do a tattoo-test drive (where you print out the tattoo on special paper and try out various sizes and locations using a temporary version) before you commit to the permanent version. As a result, once you have the perfect tattoo or several pieces that you want incorporated together, you need an artist who will work with you using those stencils and art to create a perfect tattoo design. If an artist only free hands, for example, or refuses to adhere to the tattoo color scheme that you prefer, then you may need to find someone a little more in tune with your wants and needs. 

Another issue to bring up may be an artist's willingness to work around or over previous tattoos and tattoo designs. Obviously, this is highly dependent on the tattoos location. Some artists prefer to only work with their own ink, and do not like to incorporate other artists tattoo work into their own or tattoo over existing tattoo designs. You should find this out ahead of time so that you do not end up with a last-minute cancellation. 

Does the tattoo artist use stencils?

As we discussed earlier, stencils are probably the very best way to insure that you get precisely the tattoo or tattoo design that you wanted. Most tattoo artists are happy to use stencils and accompanying color guides because using these tools insures that the client will be happy with the work. However, some artists do object to these types of tattoo aids and do not like using them. You should be aware that if your tattoo artist will not use your stencil and color guide, that you will probably not end up with the tattoo that you wanted exactly like you wanted it. 

Tattoo artists take their art very seriously, even though it is a far more dynamic art form than many conventional forms of art like painting and sculpting. Always remember that tattoo artists are just as devoted to their craft as any other artist, and use respect when referring to tattoos and tattoo design even if it is not to your taste.

Lower Back & Tailbone Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

From the temporary peek of a tattoo design above the waist of your favorite faded blue jeans, consider lower back tattoo designs for an often hidden, but very sensual statement that springs to life when you downsize your wardrobe and bare your body for the world to witness. This intimate location for tattoo designs gives you wide room for self-expression

Decorative Lowerback Butterfly Tattoo Designs


Why are lower back and tail bone tattoo designs so popular?

Simply put, they are sexy fun and cute. The beautiful curves and graceful feminine shapes of a woman's body all seem to converge in the lower back. Like a signature on a exquisite violin, a tail bone tattoo design becomes a beautiful adornment on any girls body. Often a lower back design will be specially shaped to accentuate and flatter the hourglass shape of the female form.


Lowerback Heart Tattoo Designs


If you are like most of us, each tattoo design you have indelibly inked into your skin has a particular meaning to you and often carries with it specific symbolism that makes a very personal statement about your world.


Lowerback Flower Tattoo Designs



In terms of symmetry, any symmetrical tattoo that appeals to you can make a beautiful presentation on the lower back. Whether you choose to combine one or more tattoo designs to create balance and and/or reveal your inspiration in color is all up to you, and of course, those fortunate enough to catch even a passing glimpse of your work of art!

There are virtually thousands of tailbone tattoo designs in the gallery from which to choose...

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