
Lower Back & Tailbone Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

From the temporary peek of a tattoo design above the waist of your favorite faded blue jeans, consider lower back tattoo designs for an often hidden, but very sensual statement that springs to life when you downsize your wardrobe and bare your body for the world to witness. This intimate location for tattoo designs gives you wide room for self-expression

Decorative Lowerback Butterfly Tattoo Designs


Why are lower back and tail bone tattoo designs so popular?

Simply put, they are sexy fun and cute. The beautiful curves and graceful feminine shapes of a woman's body all seem to converge in the lower back. Like a signature on a exquisite violin, a tail bone tattoo design becomes a beautiful adornment on any girls body. Often a lower back design will be specially shaped to accentuate and flatter the hourglass shape of the female form.


Lowerback Heart Tattoo Designs


If you are like most of us, each tattoo design you have indelibly inked into your skin has a particular meaning to you and often carries with it specific symbolism that makes a very personal statement about your world.


Lowerback Flower Tattoo Designs



In terms of symmetry, any symmetrical tattoo that appeals to you can make a beautiful presentation on the lower back. Whether you choose to combine one or more tattoo designs to create balance and and/or reveal your inspiration in color is all up to you, and of course, those fortunate enough to catch even a passing glimpse of your work of art!

There are virtually thousands of tailbone tattoo designs in the gallery from which to choose...

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