
Ladybug Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

Ladybugs (also known as ''lady beetles'' by some scientists or ''ladybirds'' by some regions) are small winged insects. They come in the colors yellow, orange or red with small black spots on their wing covers. They are usefully insects in that they perform pest control for gardens by feeding on aphids, mites and other pests. Some people even consider seeing them or having one land on one's body to be a sign of good luck. It is also believed that killing them brings bad luck.

In parts of Northern Europe, tradition says that one's wish granted if a ladybug lands on oneself (this tradition lives on in North America, where children capture a ladybug, make a wish, and then "blow it away" back home to make the wish come true). In Italy, it is said by some that if a ladybug flies into one's bedroom, it is considered good luck. In central Europe, a ladybug crawling across a girl's hand is thought to mean she will get married within the year. If a ladybug lands on the hand of a recently married woman, the number of dots on its back is the number of children she will have.

In some cultures they are referred to as lucky bugs In Russia, a popular children's rhyme exists with a call to fly to the sky and bring back bread; similarly, in Denmark a ladybug, called a ''Mary's hen'', is asked by children to fly to 'our lord in heaven and ask for fairer weather in the morning'. In Greece, ladybugs are called ''paschalitsa'', because they are found abundantly in Easter time, along with ''paschalia'', the common Lilac plant, which flowers at the same time. 

Ladybug tattoos represent good luck and fortune for the wearer. They are a favorite insect of children and farmers. Ladybug tattoos will most often depict the red variety and be found in nature themed tattoos.


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