
Horse Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

The horse is a hoofed mammal and a member of the Equidae family. Before they were tamed, horses were one the main sources of food for man. Domesticated between 4500 BC and 3000BC, they are one of the most important animals to modern civilization and culture. Horses are characterized by their long legs, strong backs and extensive mane and tails. Used in work, war and entertainment, horses have been powerful tools for man. Horseback riding for sport and fun is associated with aristocracy, nobility and wealth.

There are horses such as the American Mustang or the Australian Brumby that were once domesticated but escaped and reverted to wild status. However, the only truly wild horse is the Przewalski Horse (also known as the Asian Wild Horse or Mongolian Wild Horse), which has never been domesticated.

The Greeks believed that the horse was the offspring of the Four Winds, which would take on the forms of horses carrying Zeus in his chariot. There were many immortal horses in Greek mythology. The most famous is of course, Pegasus, who carried the thunderbolts of Zeus across the sky and carried his son, Hercules, onto victory. Ancient British twinhorse gods, Stallion and Horse, were mythical brothers. The famous White Horse of Uffington was carved into the hillside of the English landscape, measuring more than 100 meters long and standing for more than three thousand years. It is thought to be a tribal symbol for local chieftains. 

The Celts worshipped the goddess Epona, who appeared as the Horse and the Romans incorporated her into their culture after they conquered the regions. They created shrines to the horse goddess in the stables of the Roman cavalry and added her to the weapons they carried into battle. The Romans also associated the horse with their god of war, Mars. They often honored and even sacrificed the horse in his religious rites.

The horse tattoo can represent strength, speed and stamina. Both its beauty and grace make it a popular subject of all forms of art, including tattooing. Horse tattoos are often incorporated in Native American themed tattoos. The color of horses can be significant as well. The white horse represents peace and the red horse is symbolizes war. A blackhorse is associated with death and mourning.


Color Horse Tattoo Designs




Black & Gray Horse Tattoo Designs


Tribal Horse Tattoo Designs


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