
Hair Loss and Tattoos: Camouflage and Cosmetic Tattooing

While the popularity of tattooing for decoration and adornment has done nothing but escalate over the years, cosmetic tattooing has waxed and waned in the public eye. Cosmetic tattooing differs from the more traditional, artistic tattooing techniques in that in order to tattoo cosmetically, you need a deep understanding not only of the mechanics of tattooing and the tattoo process, but you also need to understand how tattoo inks interact with different skin types and skin tones, as well as how different colors of ink will appear on the skin. Really good cosmetic tattoo artists understand that there is a level of artistry to applying even the simplest cosmetic tattoo, since they need to have depth even though they are generally simpler in color than more traditional tattoos. 

Cosmetic tattooing historically has been used to make lips appear fuller, to apply permanent makeup that will not wear or wash off, and to give eyes a larger, more luminous look. Some cosmetic tattoo artists even claim to be able to cover or “fill in” scarred areas so that it is no longer obvious that you have had an injury in an area. (note: scar tissues do not accept tattoo inks in a predictable fashion, and you cannot every be one hundred percent certain that a scar will hold ink or that it will hold the lines of a tattoo properly. Many people use tattoos to cover scars each year, but you must be aware of the way that the scar will interact with the tattoo and also you should work with an artist who is comfortable tattooing scar tissue. Another popular way to use cosmetic tattooing is in the form of replacing lost hair or camouflaging temporary or permanent hair loss. 

People can lose their hair for a variety of reasons. Cosmetic hair replacement tattoos are most often used to fill in eyebrow areas. You can lose your eyebrow hair from chemotherapy, over-plucking, or skin conditions like alopecia, which can cause hair loss on the head and other parts of the body. Whether your hair loss is temporary or permanent, cosmetic tattooing can provide an ideal solution for your eyebrow area. Cosmetic tattoos in the eye brow area are designed to look like real brows, and they are comprised of tiny lines that are designed to look like carefully plucked and sculpted arches. You can have your entire eyebrow tattooed, or you can just have thinning areas filled in to give you more dramatic eyebrow lines. Either way, you will enjoy the look of perfectly groomed eyebrows that you get every morning as soon as you get out of bed. 

If you are balding, there are also tattoo solutions available. One type of tattoo hair loss solution is called cosmetic camouflaging. This technique uses a computer to analyze your hair pattern and design a tattoo for your scalp that matches the way that the hair already grows. This is a great way to mask balding areas or thinning areas of hair. The computer designs the tattoo pattern, then stencils the pattern onto the scalp. Once the stencil is in place, a tattoo artist can tattoo your new hair onto your head, giving the illusion of thicker hair. This technique works best if you have thin hair or a bald patch, but will not really work if you do not have any hair at all. The technique of filling in thinning areas on the head with a tattooed design actually dates back to roman times, when men would tattoo their scalps to try to cover up thinning areas. If you have used another resource to stop the progression of your hair loss, then this can be a good way to get your old look back. However, it will not ultimately prevent the loss of the rest of your hair. Some fully bald men do get their heads tattooed to give the illusion of an extremely short buzz cut, but this look is questionable at best, and will probably not fool anyone who comes close to you. 

Many people hesitate to tattoo their heads because it seems like this would hurt a great deal. However, in reality, while tattooing your face can be quite painful, tattooing your head itself is not because the skin on the scalp is so thick. As a result, it is much less sensitive and hurts far less than most people expect. If you are interested in hair loss tattoo solutions, you should consult a dermatologist and a hair loss expert to determine if a permanent camouflage will solve your problem, or if it will just look silly when you lose the rest of your hair.