
Gecko Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

Geckos are small lizards that are found in warm climates all over the world. The thing that distinguishes them from other lizards is the way they make chirping sounds to interact socially with other geckos. They have no eyelids and expel foul smelling materials and feces onto attackers to get away. Some species even have special toe pads that give them the ability to climb smooth vertical surfaces or even ceilings. In warmer parts of the world geckos often make their homes inside of human structures. They are usually not discouraged because they feed on insects and other pests. 


Gecko tattoos often show up in Polynesian tribal tattoo designs. To them, the gecko has supernatural powers and is both admired and feared. Legend says that if a gecko laughs at you it is a terrible omen of illness and/or bad fortune. Just as lizards are able to drop their tails in order to survive attacks, gecko tattoos also represent themes of self-perseverance and letting go of the past events or harm in your life.




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