
Frog Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

Frogs are amphibians characterized by long hind legs, a short body without a tail and webbed fingers or toes. They are able to absorb water and oxygen directly through their skin, especially around the pelvic area. Frogs are also known for jumping as their mode of transportation. They lay their eggs in aquatic environments and the eggs hatch into tadpoles that slowly lose their tails and grow legs. The growth of a tadpole to frog is very important in that it likely how sea creatures evolved into land creatures. Frogs catch and eat insects with the aid of their long tongues and have a very distinctive call, especially in mating season. 

Frogs are commonly featured element in folklore, fairy tales and pop cultures. In many stories, they are portrayed as ugly, clumsy, benign creatures with extraordinary hidden talents. The famous fairy tale, the frog prince was royalty in disguise. The Moche, an ancient Peruvian tribe, worshipped frogs and often incorporated them in their art. In many cultures, the frog is representative of the ability to jump from one state of consciousness to another. Egyptians worshiped a frog goddess named Heket. Ancient shamans also prized the frog for his sensitive skin that allows both oxygen and water to pass through it. They considered it magical.

Frog tattoos are a very popular tattoo subject, partly because of their popularity as collectibles. Frog tattoos can symbolize good luck, transformation or magical properties. It can also represent the wearer's feelings of being unappreciated on the outside, but possessing extraordinary talents.

Color Frog Tattoo Designs


Black & Gray Frog Tattoo Designs


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