
Feather Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

Although we associate feathers with birds, there is a theory that says that they evolved from reptilian scales. In fact, some non-flying dinosaurs had feathers on their limbs and were used to for insulation. Today we use feathers for a number of different uses. They are sometimes used in high-class bedding, like pillows and mattresses. The feathers of goose and eiders are also used in winter clothing because they have a great ability to expand from being compressed and trap large amounts of air for insulation. Bird feathers can used for fletching arrow or to decorate fishing lures. 

Feathers are important in many cultures. Eagle feathers have huge cultural and spiritual value to the Native American as a religious object. They are seen as sacred and powerful symbols of power and knowledge. Feathers also decorated their battle dress, shields and weapons. Man has long envied the bird's ability to fly and used feathers in an effort to reach the sky. In Greek mythology, Daedelus the inventor and his son Icarus tried to escape prison by attaching feathers to his shoulders with wax but ultimately failed. In SouthAmerica, the locals brew a drink made from the feathers of Condors and used in traditional medicine. And Indians traditional use the feathers of the Indian Peacock in medicine for snakebites, infertility and coughs. 

Feather tattoos often incorporate the use of birds, wings or Native American element in them. A single feather may represent the ability to take flight, either spiritually or creatively. There are some feathers, like the Ostrich plume, the Peacock and the Eagle, that are very distinctive. These feathers in a tattoo symbolize the characteristics of the bird the feather comes from.

Color Feather Tattoo Designs 



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