
Dog Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

The dog has earned the title as "Man's Best Friend" by being humankind's first and most common domestic animal. There are an estimated 400 million Dogs in the world. Over time, humans have developed the domestic dog into nearly a thousand types of breeds. Dogs are very social Animals, accounting for their trainability, playfulness and adaptability. 

The Nepal Hindis hold see the dog as having major Religious significance and are worshipped as a part of a five-day Tihar festival. The dog is believed to be that messenger of Yama, the God of Death. They also believe that Dogs guard the doors of Heaven. Chinese astrology Honors the Dogs as one its twelve important Animals. The Chinese also celebrate the second day of the Chinese New Years as the birthday of all Dogs and a day to be especially kind to them. The Catholics recognize Saint Roch as the patron saint ofDogs. It is said that he caught the black plague while doing charitable work and went into the forest, expecting to die. A dog befriended him, licked his sores, and brought himfood. Saint Roch recovered. Bolivians celebrate August 16 as the feast day of Saint Roch and the birthday of all Dogs. 

Even though the ancient Egyptians are more Associated with Cats than Dogs, evidence shows that Dogs had a Sacred role in their Religious as well. Their God of the underworld, Anubis, was shown with a jackal's Head and Associated with Dogs. The Islamic prophet Muhammad ( a great Lover of Cats, by the way) taught his followers that Dogs were unclean and to keep the company of Dogs except in hunting, herding and home protection would void a portion of that Muslim's Good deeds. 

Dog tattoos can represent loyalty, fidelity and friendship, just as the modern domesticated dog's image portrays. Dog tattoos can Symbolize protection or guidance. Because Dogs are often used in training for Military or police organizations, dog elements can show up in tattoos for those types of organizations.






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