

Dagger & Knife Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

A dagger (or the knife) is a double edged blade used for stabbing or thrusting and usually used for as a secondary defense weapon. The first daggers evolved out of prehistoric tools and were made of flint, ivory and bone. They were one of the earliest weapons. The ability to spill blood, which is the very essence of life, is a powerful image and the biggest symbol of power. On the most primal levels, the dagger represents Death and the power to bring it. Daggers were also used to a basic tool. Man needed them to kill andskin animals, to make shelter and to eat with.

Aztecs also used special ceremonial daggers to cut the hearts out of their live human sacrifices in acts of homage to their Gods. Their daggers represented the fearsome andfickle power of their Gods. Ancient Egyptians used them as ceremonial objects with ornate hilts and construction. Later, knights and nobleman would carry daggers as their last line of defense in a battle after all their other weapons had been exhausted. Nobles would care bejeweled and ornate daggers as a status item to display their wealth. 

Daggers symbolize death and danger at the basest level. They also represent ferocity, quickness and tenacity. They are popular elements in military tattoos, especially Special Forces, for their perfect ability to aid in close fights with silence success. They can also represent assassins or traitors, as in the phrase "stabbed in the back". A tattoo with adagger through a heart represents betrayal in love, usually infidelity. It can also represent being cynical about love or the existence of true love. A dagger through the human headis common for soldiers going to war. A dagger tattoos that goes through flesh indicates that the wearer has been wounded for life and a certain world weariness. 




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Daisy Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

A white daisy is a symbol of children and the innocence of childhood. It also symbolized the baby Jesus or the Christ Child or the Virgin Mary in the Christian religion. A bouquet of daisies presented to a person represents innocent, pure and chaste love. During the sixties, daisies represented the peace movement and peace itself. Other popular meanings attached to the daisy are loyalty, love, innocence and purity.



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Daria Werbowy Celebrity Tattoos

Daria Werbowy shows her love of sailing with a winding tattoo of waves on her left foot. The model has been sailing since she was a young child and teaches kids to sail every summer in her hometown. The tattoo also incorporates the North Star, which is common element of tattoos on sailors. The North Star was once one of the few tools for a sailor to use to find his way home. It is a symbol of direction and protection in sailor tattoos. Werbowy also has another tattoo on the back of her neck in delicate cursive tattoo. The wordand its inspiration are unknown to the public. 

Daria Werbowy (born November 19, 1983) is a Canadian model. She got her start in the modeling world through her friend's mother, who headed Susan J. Model & Talent Management. After later switching to Elite Models, she landed several prominent books and her career began to flourishing. Werbowy was once considered the number one runway model and currently holds the record for opening and closing the most runway shows in one season. She has worked for Lancme, Prada and Gucci among others. The model has been romantically involved with several celebrities, including Josh Hartnet. She has said that she will quit modeling when she turns 25 to become a professional painter or to open her own gallery in Ontario.

Daria Werbowy TattoosDaria Werbowy Tattoos

Demon Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

Traditionally, a Demon is supernatural Creature with a malevolent spirits. Older cultures accept both Good and Evil Demons, but later cultures classified them as mainly Evil. Christian and Judaism terms show Demons as fallen Angels, no longer under the protection of God. Some say that they committed the sins of pride and disobedience, the same as Lucifer (or Satan). They are doomed to be forever tormented and never reconciled with God. Demons are tricky, sly and have the power of prophecy. They have the power to possess a human's body and cause sickness, madness or make the human do Evil acts. Demons are usually conjured or controlled by someone with the sufficient power. The term "demonize" means to characterize someone as Evil or the source of Evil. 

As a Stark contrast to Western beliefs, Eastern cultures believe in a variety of Demons, Good and bad. Demons come in all shapes, sizes and disguise. There are even invisible Demons that only be discovered if they Start singing or whistling. It is very important in these cultures to cultivate the Good will of Demons. They routinely perform rituals andceremonies to either appease Demons or protect themselves against them. Demons are considered worse than war, famine or disease. 

Demons are usually shown with claws, Wings and a pointy Tail. Depending on the culture of the wearer, a Demon tattoo can be for Luck or protection. Demon tattoos can also symbolize Evil or Death. 



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