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Insect Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

Whether it's a butterfly tattoo on a lower back or a dragonfly tattoo on your shoulder, insect images have become a popular choice for body art enthusiasts everywhere. Rendered in many styles from tribal to Celtic, realistic to fantasy, these insect tattoo designs appear in personal body art galleries around the world.

While humanity certainly has the benefit of dominion of the earth, there is another species that still strives to take it back. Small, determined and hopelessly outnumbering us, insects are a constant reminder that we must share this planet with 

We've both inhabited this space for thousands and millions of years, and have learned are to some extent are to live along with one another. Sure, they've been some instances of scourges of bugs, and we can still call Terminix if things get too bad, but on a whole, we recognize their strength in numbers. Some of us have even honored insects and bugs by bearing on their flesh the emblem and image of the insect tattoo design.

Insects are the most diverse group of animals on earth, and there number over 800,000 species of insects. They range in a spectrum that goes from horribly disgusting to breathtakingly beautiful. Insect inspired tattoo designs seem to be worn by unique and unimaginably different crowd.

From simple outlines to intricate shading, filling and design, insect tattoos really run the full gamut. They captivate our attention because it seems so incredibly unexpected to see them decorating our human flesh so comfortably.

Popular Insects for Tattoo Designs

Some bugs and insects that are regular tattooed:

  • Beetle tattoo designs are often found on ankles or shoulders.

  • Butterfly tattoo designs are The most popular of all the insect tattoos can often be found on the lower back or shoulder blade.

  • Dragonfly tattoo designs are only a little less popular then the butterfly tattoo can often found on the lower back or an ankle.

  • Moth tattoo designs are Similar to the butterfly tattoo these delicate designs have a unique and nocturnal look. They can be found on shoulders and the lower back.

  • Ladybug tattoo designs are The third most popular insect tattoo ranks just below butterfly tattoos and dragonfly tattoos. Although you can get your Lady bug design anywhere, you will often find them on the ankle.

  • Scarab tattoo designs are Their spiritual implications and ancient association with Egyptian culture make these little creatures very popular for tattoo designs. They are often found centered on the upper or lower back.

  • Ant tattoo designs are An uncommon choice, ant tattoos can be found crawling all over the body just as they do in real life.

  • Grasshopper tattoo designs are These multicolored or green jumpers are often found on shoulders.

  • Locusts are Associated with plague and destruction, these frightful creatures make for a unique tattoo and are often found on ankles and shoulders.

  • Bumble Bee tattoo designs are Favored by gardeners and honey lovers, the bee tattoo will often be found on an ankle or a lower back.

  • Wasp tattoo designs are These interesting looking creatures are feared in real life but as tattoos they make a striking statement and can be found in many styles. Often they are tattooed on shoulders and ankles.

  • Hornet tattoo designs are Similar to the wasp the hornet can be found on ankles and shoulders.

  • Preying Mantis tattoo designs are The strange alien look of the praying mantis makes it a tempting subject for body art enthusiasts. You will find them lingering on shoulders and shoulder blades.

  • Caterpillar tattoo designs are With their strong association to the butterfly, caterpillar tattoos are very popular and imply the early stages of growth prior to change and metamorphosis. They are often tattooed on shoulders and ankles.

And even more gross and disgusting varieties like roaches, mosquitoes and flies. You'll find them slipping, leaping, crawling, scurrying, skittering, flying, slithering, swimming and striding across arms, legs, wrists, ankles, upper backs, lower backs, shoulders, bellies, breasts, chests, hips and rear-ends.

Bugs and Destruction

Like skull tattoos, demon tattoos, grim reaper tattoos and other frightening tattoo designs, people often choose a tattoo of a scary subject. Perhaps this choice of design is a way of facing our fears so that they do not plague us. A bit more rebellious than other creatures under our care, insects and bugs have certainly made some pretty powerful counter-attacks. Locusts, army worms, aphids, corn borers, coddling moths, tent caterpillars, Japanese beetles, gypsy moths and bag worms have all plagued humanity for as long ago as we can remember. Cockroaches and termites still continue to infest and threaten to overrun homes, apartments and offices in both rural and urban areas. Many insects have come to represent death and destruction.


But over the years, we've learned some things about, and more importantly from, the bug and insect world. One of the aspects of the insect world that never ceases to amaze us is the common nature of major metamorphoses. Nearly 80% of all insect species will go through this major change, which starts as an egg, then hatches into a larva (grub or caterpillar). This larva will molt several times and then enter the pupa stage (or the chrysalis stage). As a pupa, the creature will rarely eat or move, but beneath the shell, magnificent changes are underway.

Upon completion, an adult insect will emerge, alive and well and completely different from any of its earlier stages of life. It's interesting to note that the chief function of adult insects is to reproduce. In fact, some species don't have mouths, and others with them don't eat!

This leaves us with a world of butterflies and dragonflies, instead of only nymphs and larva. Maybe we identify with it in our souls, where we have undergone so much personal change and development. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that insect tattoo designs are a big part of tattoo culture and have found themselves as an important part of many tattoo and body art collections. You will find them alone or combined with other popular subjects. A butterfly is often found with a fairy on a lower back to make for a colorful fantasy tattoo. A Lady Bug can often be found combined with a rose or vine on a lady's ankle for a beautiful nature tattoo. Whatever your reason and whatever your choice the possibilities are endless when you consider an insect tattoo design for your next tattoo.


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Virgo Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

Virgo is the sixth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Virgo. It is considered to be feminine, introverted, earth sign, ruled by the planet Mercury. Individuals born between August 23rd and September 22nd are said to be born under the sign on Virgo. Virgo individuals are said to be critical, precise, orderly, practical, reliable and clean. 

In Greek mythology, Astraea is the virgin daughter of Zeus and the goddess of justice, Themis. As justice personified, she ruled the world with her wise ways until humans became so callous that she fled the earth for the skies. She took the Scales of Balance with her and became the Virgo constellation while the Scales became the nearby constellation Libra. Virgo is also associated with Persephone, goddess of innocence and purity. Persephone was kidnapped by Hades, the God of the Underworld. Her mother is Demeter, goddess of the agriculture and she was so saddened by the loss of her daughter that she made the earth barren. Facing the destruction of all crops, the Gods made Hades return Persephone. But she had already eaten a pomegranate fruit given to her by Hades. This forced her to return to underworld for half of each year. Demeter still makes the ground barren each time her daughter is forced to leave and thus the ancient Greeks explained the seasons. 

The astrological sign for Virgo is a distorted letter "M". It is said to represent the arms and torso of the virgin holding a sheaf of wheat. Virgo tattoos often incorporate this symbol as well as a young girl to represent the virgin. The tattoos may also have famous virgins in it, like Astraea, Persephone or the Virgin Mary.




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Skull Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

The skull is a bony structure found in the head of many animals. The skull supports the structures of the face and protects the head against injury. Protection of the brain is only one part of the function of a bony skull. For example, a fixed distance between the eyes is essential for stereoscopic vision, and a fixed position for the ears helps the brain to use auditory cues to judge direction and distance of sounds. In humans, the adult skull is normally made up of 22 bones.

Historically, the skull was a popular symbol of triumph over the enemy, and a warning to the people defeated in battle. Collections of skulls might be stacked by the victors in public places, as an obvious declaration of victory and grim reminder of the losses of the vanquished. It was also worn as a trophy and even drunk out of by conquering kings. 

In Christian art and culture, the skull has been seen as a symbol of eternity, repentance, and human vanity and, therefore, a reminder to keep to the straight and narrow. An ancient symbol of the skull with a serpent crawling through the sockets was the symbol of knowledge and immortality. Many great Renaissance masterpieces prominently feature skulls, and most portraits of Saints, Cardinals, Popes and Royalty contained a skull as a reminder of the importance of living a virtuous life.

In Buddhism and Hinduism, skulls can be seen in their religious art. The Buddhist Lord of the Dead, Yama, has five skulls around his head, signifying the conquest of anger, greed, pride, envy and ignorance. Kali, the Hindu Goddess of Death wears a necklace of skulls.

Skulls are represented in a number of tattoo design genres, and a classic tattoo design that has been popular for generations of tattoo enthusiasts. Skull tattoos represent death and the shortness of the life that precedes it.

Although it has been the victim of many stereotypes over the past few decades, skull tattoo designs are hardly the evil portent of doom that you might picture it to be. While it is the nearly universal symbol for the victory of death over life, it is also a symbol of great saints, such as St. Francis of Assisi, St. Jerome and St. Mary Magdalene. It has been a symbol of sacrifice and forgiveness on one hand, while it has also been the emblem of hate on another. In the end the skull often represents the temporary nature of life.

The skull tattoo design brings with it unique stories, legends and dreams. Its legend is peppered with a diverse crew, from pirates, to Hitler's SS men, and young, addicted teenagers. Free roaming bikers and secret societies have chosen this symbol to become their own personal logos. The influence of the skull ranges from the most liberal to the most conservative; from Christian monks to Aztec kings with their bloody sacrifices to their gods.

The Skull Tattoo Design: A Gallery of Choices

From the simple skull and crossbones to the wild flaming skull, there are so many ways to incorporate the skull into a tattoo. Human skulls or the skulls of creatures such as bulls, cows, dear and the mythical dragons are popular. Pair the skull with a rose, a cross. Take the skull and sharpen the canines, and viola, a vampire skull or demon skull. Give your skull a top hat, or let it stare out at your amid searing flames. Tangle it in barbed wire or create a Deaths Head moth. Clown skulls, jester skulls and joker skulls make for scary tattoos with frightful twist of humor or insanity.
Whatever you want, wherever you want it, the skull can be that or go there.

A Historical Look At the Skull Design

It seems that the skull design has become the ultimate of paradoxes. Across the globe, and across eras, this seemingly simple design has been a constant reminder of our own mortality. While today it is general associated with secret societies, toxic substances and the pirates, Jolly Rogers, the skull actually has a long and enchanting meaning across the ages.

Religious Significance of the Skull
Many cultures have placed a great amount of spiritual importance on the symbol of the skull. In India, skull necklaces are popular. These icons are designed to be a constant reminder of death and its ever immanent approach. The Tibetans and Nepalese were familiar with these necklaces, as they were worn by the darker deities of their religion. Skulls were also revered by the ancient Aztecs of pre-Columbian America. In their religious system, the skull held an honored place as an icon and symbol. The Aztecs celebrated the passing of life to death, and held an annual “Day of the Dead” As part of the celebrations, white skulls made of sugar were eaten, and offering were left at the graves of dead friends and loved ones.

Today, and through recent history, crystal skulls have been found in excavations in Mesoamerica. These are breathtaking sculptures honed from the clearest of crystals, and their visages are eerily realistic. So realistic, in fact, that several New Ages believe that they've found actual skulls, the skulls of our extraterrestrial space neighbors. They swear to their authenticity because the jaw is hinged, but the skeptics aren't buying it!

Perhaps more surprisingly, the skull has received a fair amount of good PR from Christianity. Most widely, the skull and skeletons represent the belief of an eternal soul, that even though we suffer a physical death, our spirit goes on into immortality.

The skull also coincided with the crucifixion of Christ. Golgotha, which translates into the place of the Skull, is where Jesus was hung unto death. It is rumored that below the very cross on which he hung Adam's bones were buried. While Jesus blood flowed, it pooled on the ground and seeped down where it anointed Adam's ancient skull. As this happen, it was to have washed away the stain of his original sin.

 The Skull and Architecture

The world has been speckled over with groups of people who have been inspired to use skulls and bones as major components of their architecture. Tracing back to the times of legend and myth, there are also still these morbid buildings standing today!

In ancient Greek myth, Antaios, a giant from Libya, was famous for slaying traveling passers-by who happened to stumble into his realm. His collection grew to the point that he was able to build a magnificent temple to his father, Poseidon, from their skulls alone. However, this devoted son later lost his life at the hands of Hercules.

Once again, in a seemingly strange appearance in Christian culture, the skulls (and the other bones) of over 40,000 believers were utilized to erect Sedlec Church of All Saints ossuary (a repository for bones) in the Czech Republic region of southern Bohemia. This rather macabre work of art regularly attracts large numbers of curious tourists!

Skulls and Secret Societies

With all of the mysteries that surround death and the end of our earthly existence, it is no wonder that Secret Societies have chosen the skull to represent rebirth, and the eternal rewards that awaited them for their earthly service and devotion.

It was prevalent in initiation rituals, and was used by at least two very popular clandestine organizations: the Masons and Skull and Bones, the Yale secret society who boasts members like George W. Bush, and his father, George Bush. By association it is then connected to the Illuminati, the Knight's Templar (their initiates all drink out of a human skull), the Priory of Sion, and Eastern Star.

In perhaps one of the most frightening of all secret societies, Hitler's SS-totenkopf verb and often wore the death head or skull as they worked in and around the concentration camps. It has become a representative of the Neo-Nazi movement, and has shown up in quite a few gang-type tattoos.

Bikers and low-riders (as well as some military buddies) boast of skull design tattoos, where the skull signifies reckless machismo, only just barely protected from disaster. Others claim that the skull design symbolizes a sort of doomed bravery who accepts its fate with a shrug.

 The Skull Tattoo Design & Modern America

The skull has made its appearance in many realms. It became a key emblem for the Heavy Metal movement, it shows up every Halloween. The skull has taken on a wide range of meanings and symbolizes something different for everyone who chooses to wear it. It warns of fear, and now, thanks to the crystal skulls in Mesoamerica, New Age followers have given the skull yet another meaning. Skulls designs range from traditional to new-school. Whether you are a boy or a girl looking for a skull, the incredible variety of skull tattoo designs ensures that you will find the perfect tattoo drawing for you.



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Tattoo Safety Pointers

Tattoos are incredible works of art and beauty, but even when you are most excited about getting a tattoo, you must remember that it is also an invasive procedure. The tattoo needle goes in and out of your skin, leaving behind ink that remains under your skin long after the tiny pinprick injuries have healed. When you get a tattoo, although it will likely not be particularly painful, you will bleed, and you will experience some pain. This is because you are being stabbed with a needle and the interior of your body is, in a limited manner, being exposed. As a result, tattoo safety is of the utmost importance. Cross contamination of needles or other equipment can lead to the spread of blood-borne diseases and pathogens, including but not limited to hepatitis and HIV. Of course, because of these issues, nearly all tattoo artists are extremely health conscious and scrupulous about safety and sanitation. Here are several ways to make sure that you get your tattoo in an environment that places your safety first.

Look for clean and sterile equipment. 

Some types of tattoo needles are prepackaged and can be opened from their sterile packaging right before use. These packages should be sealed when they first come into your view, and be opened in front of you. If your artist is using a conventional tattoo needle, it should have been autoclaved before use to kill all potential pathogens. An autoclave uses intense heat, steam and high pressure to sterilize equipment, and they are used in hospitals and labs to cleanse equipment and destroy deadly fungi and other contaminants. If a tattoo parlor does not have an autoclave, then do not get a tattoo there. 

Some nail salons use UV rays to sanitize their tools. This is not only wholly ineffective, but it perpetrates a dangerous misconception that tanning bed rays are sufficient to sterilize tattoo equipment or any other type of medical needle. This is untrue, and you cannot rely on UV light to sterilize equipment for you. If you are considering a home tattoo, remember that you cannot sterilize the equipment and tools that you need effectively.

Check out the rest of the tattooing environment.

Things should be clean, orderly and neat. While some tattoo parlors thrive on an organized chaos of portfolios, loud music and eclectic design, they are all scrupulously clean. If a tattoo parlor is dirty or if the equipment appears untended or poorly maintained, these are all signs that you would be better off getting tattooed elsewhere.

Get references.

Reliable, clean, safe tattoo parlors tend to have good references. Ask the tattoo artists if you can talk to some former clients. Also, most tattoo parlors have an online presence that is mostly, but not entirely, supported by the company itself. You can usually find online reviews of tattoo parlors and tattoo artists, and well as any dirt, literally and figuratively, that other clients may have noticed. Of course, remember that you have to take everything you read online and off with a grain of salt, so do not write off a tattoo parlor or a tattoo artist without checking into the facts yourself.

If you cannot find references, try the Better Business Bureau or the yellow pages. If anything bad has happened with that tattoo parlor, then it will likely be documented by the Better Business Bureau. On the other hand, a long presence in the yellow pages and many years in business tend to indicate that a tattoo parlor, just like any other business, has mostly satisfied clients and conducts a good practice.

While tattoo parlor safety is important, it is also important for you to be responsible for your personal safety while getting a tattoo. This means no drugs or alcohol (these can make your experience significantly more unpleasant and painful), getting enough rest before you get your tattoo, staying hydrated and having a good meal before you settle in for your tattoo experience. Also, you are responsible for your tattoo aftercare. Just like any other wound, your tattoo is prone to infection, so be sure that you care for it strictly according to the guidelines provided by your tattoo artist. You can also purchase a variety of balms and salves to help your tattoo heal quickly, painlessly and beautifully.