
Blog posts of '2015' 'February'

Cherry Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

The cherry is a fruit with a single stony seed. Cherries have an unusually long growing season and can grow just about anywhere, from Australia to Africa to the frozen tundra. It has been praised for both the beauty of its flowers and its delicious fruit that blend in well with almost any dish. The cherry is one of the most well known fertility symbols. The juice of the cherry is richly flavored and deeply colored. The taste of a cherry has even been compared to the first taste of love. The phrase "Popping a cherry" refers to someone's loss of virginity. The deep red of the cherry resembles a lover's lips. 

In the world of tattoo culture, cherries have come to represent feminine purity while it ripens on the tree. After the fruit is picked, it represents a loss of innocence. A cherry tattooin which the cherry is surrounded in flames represents desire, passion and lust.



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Christian Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

A hundred years ago, and you would have been very hard pressed to find anyone wearing a Christian tattoo design. As a part of history, tattoos have been most often frowned upon by not only the Christian clergy, but also the Jewish and Muslim faiths. Because of a Bible verse tucked into the book of Leviticus which states (in the new Message translation written to modern language):

Lev 19:28 "Don't gash your bodies on behalf of the dead. Don't tattoo yourselves. I am GOD.”

the art itself was forbidden to the followers of the faith and has only recently been reclaimed by the younger men and women of America and across the whole face of the earth.

The History of the Christian Tattoo Designs

Despite the protestations of parents, preachers, teachers and bosses decrying the practice of getting any tattoos, even Christian themed ones, the modern youth seem to have reclaimed this ancient art and use it to worship God, Jesus and or the Holy Spirit. And while Christians still face dirty looks and a loss of credibility with some folk simply because they have tattoo, that’s nothing compared with the displeasure that their tattoos would have cause decades, centuries and millennia ago.

However, there is historical documentation of Christian inspired tattoos dating as far back as the late 5th Century. Then, a man by the name as Manim, had the following phrase tattooed on his thigh: “Manim, the disciple of Jesus Christ. Half of a century later, Procopious of Caesarea reported that several Christians of the later half of the 6th century wore tattoos of crosses or Christ’s name on their arms. Later, in 787, at the Council of Calcuth in Northumberland, a report of the Papal legates mentioned two different tattoos. The first were tattoos given in honor of pagan superstitions, and were forbidden to be worn among Christians. The later were tattoos worn or given for the sake of God, and for these were mentioned certain, unspecified heavenly rewards for the wearers.

During the Crusades, Crusader knights were often tattooed with a small cross on their hands or arms to show that they desired a Christian burial. Also around this time, people embarking on holy pilgrimages to the Holy Land and other distant places would often get a tattoo during their absence in an attempt to prove that their claims of a pilgrimage were true.

When it comes to modern Christian tattoo, it can most likely be traced back to the times of the counterculture movement of the 60’s and 70’s. While sex, drugs, and rock and roll were waging a war against Christian culture, “Jesus Freaks” emerged who wanted to claim back lost Christian territory. One of the ways that they did this was to reclaim the practice of tattoo for God and Jesus, by getting tattoos that were inspired by Christian and religious symbols and images.

Popular Tattoo Designs Among Christians Today

Despite the opposition that young tattooed Christians faced from parents and ministers, it seems that their diligence has paid off. No longer are tattoos so widely viewed as evil, pagan proofs. As a matter of fact, Christians today have several logical justifications for their tattoos.

  • Christians claim a freedom from the words of Leviticus based on the freedom from the Law that came through Christ’s atonement of our sins. This is a fact mentioned by the apostle Paul numerous times throughout the New Testament.

  • In a humorous line found on the website of the Christian Tattoo Association said: “You shall not…tattoo any marks on you…” obviously means don’t do it yourself, see a professional.

  • Another popular argument for Christian tattoo refers to the mention that our bodies are the temples of God. If this is so, then Christian tattoos are serving in place of stained glass windows and frescoes.

  • Finally, supporters for Christian tattoo refer often to the Book of Revelation to several references that could translate to Jesus wearing marks like a tattoo, and us receiving the marks of our new names, and the seal of God.

If you’re looking for inspiration for a Christian inspired tattoo design, here are some symbols that have played a big part in the Christian faith.

  • The Cross: Available in several different designs and variation, crosses have become a favorite among Christians with tattoo. In addition, many of the separate denominations of Protestant Christians have their own church emblem or seal which contains a cross.

  • The Peacock: The peacock was used as an early symbol of the resurrection by Christians in history. Each time the peacock sheds his feathers, the new feathers far surpass the old ones in their beauty.

  • The Lily: This flower design often appears in connection with the Easter season and has come to symbolize immortality and eternal life.

  • The Phoenix: This mythical bird, whose life cycle was a constant series of fiery death and rebirth from the ashes, was also a popular Christian sign for the resurrection.

  • Wheat Heads (generally three of them): This design represented the Bread of Life.

  • The Pelican: This water bird became a symbol of atonement to early Christians because it was believed that pelicans would draw blood from their own breast in order to feed their young.

  • The Palm Leaf: While alluding to Jesus’ greeting and worship upon his arrival into Jerusalem for his final Passover, the Palm Leaf is also a symbol of heavenly reward.

  • The Shepherd: Often drawn with the Shepherd carrying a lamb over his shoulders, this image served as a reminder of Jesus’ loving care as our heavenly shepherd.

  • The Triquetra: Easier to understand when illustrated, this geometrical design is composed of one continuous line that creates 3 equal arcs (each arc generally triangular in design) with was used to explain eternity in a continuous form, and the indivisibility of the Trinity.

  • Nimbuses: Also known as halos, nimbuses are often used in conjunction with pictures of Jesus, Mary, the apostles, saints and martyrs.

  • I.N.R.I.: This Latin inscription appeared on the head of the cross and says “Jesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum, or “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”.

  • The Ship: Showing an image of a ship sailing through rough and stormy sees, this tattoo design speaks of the churches ability to sail unscathed through all perils and still remain alive and well.

  • The Lamp: Often depicted as the typical oil lamp you associate with genies, the lamp signifies the Word of God.

  • Fish: Everyone has seen the Christian fish, on cars, arms, legs, back, mailboxes, business signs – it shows up every where. Early Christians used it to identify one another by one person drawing an arched line in the sand with a stick or toe. If the other person was a believer, they would complete the design. The fish was used for this reason because in Greek, the first letter in their translation of “Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior” spells out the Greek word for fish (ICTHUS).

  • The Candlestick: An image that proclaims to the world that you follow Jesus, “the Light of the World”.

  • The Dove: Associated with God’s spirit resting on Jesus during his baptism, the dove is now generally associated with the Holy Spirit of the Trinity.

  • 3 Intertwining Circles: If you’re looking for a Christian symbol to incorporate into a tribal or Celtic tattoo design, this just might do this trick. These three equal sized interwoven circles symbolize equality, unity and the co-eternal nature of the 3 persons of the Godhood.

 Other popular Christian designs include the image of the crown and the cross; a bunch of grapes (which symbolizes communion); a burning torch (“let your light so shine among men”); the crown of thorns and the butterfly, whose mystical metamorphosis has been used time and time again to represent the falling away of the Old Man and the birth and flourishing of the New Man (or Woman).

There is no end to the number and scope of the designs that can be used in Christian tattoos, and the selection of places to put them are nearly as great. The most important thing is to listen to your heart, and go where the Spirit leads you.


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Chrysanthemum Flower Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

Chrysanthemums were first cultivated in China as an herb in the 15th century BC and were later introduced to Japan in the 8th century AD. Nine centuries later, the flower made its way to Europe where it got its English name. The word "chrysanthemum" comes from the Greek word "chrysos" meaning "golden" and referring to the color of the original flowers. The rest of the name comes from the word "anthemon" meaning flower. Today the flowers come in many forms, colors and hybrids. There are over 13 types of chrysanthemum blooms. The flower serves medical uses, including aiding in recovering from influenza. In Korea, chrysanthemum flowers are used to flavor some types of rice wines. Yellow and white chrysanthemums are also boiled in some parts of Asia to make a sweet drink called "chrysanthemum tea". The flowers are natural sources of insecticides as well as being able to reduce indoor air pollution. 

Chrysanthemums are very important in Asian symbolism. The Japanese emperor position is called the Chrysanthemum Crest and the flower represents the emperor and the Imperial House. The Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum is a great honor awarded by the emperor. Depending upon the way it is presented, the chrysanthemum can also represent male homosexuality in Japan, as the tightly gathered petals are supposed to represent the male anus. However, it represents nobleness in China and, along with the plum blossom, the orchid and bamboo, serves as one of the Four Gentleman of China in the art world. In certain parts of Europe, as well as Asia, white chrysanthemums are symbols of death and therefore only sued for funerals or gravesites. 

Chrysanthemums tattoos are most often found in Japanese tattoo culture. In Japanese tattoo culture certain elements are often paired together. Dragons usually accompany the chrysanthemum in a tattoo.



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The History of Circus Tattoos

Since the mid to late part of the nineteenth century, circuses and carnival sideshows have been displaying so called self-made freaks. These freaks are often unique and usual, varying from one show to the next. However, many of these people are those who have transformed their bodies with tattoos and body modifications. Today, circus tattoo “freaks” are less abound as society is more accepting of those with multiple tattoos. However, the history behind circus tattoos is long and full of information.

Sideshow tattoos of the past often included classic styles of tattoos of animals, people tattoos or tattooed shapes. Throughout circus history, there were famous tattooed men abound who gained a great deal of attention in the entertainment world. Those such as Prince Constantine of PT Barnum’s circus in 1873 were incredibly popular and notable. Prince Constantine had 388 tattoos covering his body, which was almost unheard of during the 1800’s. Then there was The Great OMI who had his body and face covered in tribal tattoos and Captain Costentenus (the Greek Albanian) who had animals (mostly elephant tattoos and tiger tattoos) tattooed all over his face and body.

Throughout the circus world there were also tattooed ladies, who drew a lot of attention from spectators. For women, it was even more taboo to be tattooed during these times than for a man to be heavily tattooed. Thus, if a circus had a female tattooed “freak”, the hoopla would bring in people from near and far to view her. Famous tattooed ladies such as Betty Broadbent had 365 tattoos and traveled with the Ringling Brothers and The Barnum and Bailey Circus in the 1930’s. Broadbent was incredibly popular on the circus tattoo circuit.

Large banners were often hung with a picture of the tattooed ladies plastered on them, saying a phrase such as “the most beautiful tattooed woman in the world” or “ the exotic tattooed beauty awaits you”. These ladies usually had star tattoos, heart tattoos, flower tattoos, butterfly tattoos, cherub tattoos, angel tattoos and more. Some ladies wore a modest bathing suit for their circus exhibition while others showcased extravagant costumes to reveal their artwork.

These circus tattoo shows eventually died out in popularity and in number over time. There are however a handful of acts which travel the country still, shocking us with sword swallowing, physical anomalies and of course full body tattoos. However, tattoos are not so “freakish” in nature anymore and rarely draw large crowds of spectators.

The so-called freak shows of today are perhaps a bit more eye catching than they were in the past. Beyond simple full body art, performers are taking this transformation a step further into full body transformations. This full body concept is not taken on by just anyone but only those who are fully dedicated to creating another self. An example is a man named Eric Sprague who is better known as “lizard man”. He has modified his body with green reptilian scale tattoos, filed teeth, a split and forked tongue and Teflon implants above his eyebrows which create a reptilian-like ridge. He performs circus type acts and speaks while traveling across the country.

However, lizard man is not alone in this mind blowing body modification genre. A performer by the name of Enigma has full body, blue puzzle piece tattoos from head to toe. He also has Teflon implants which create two horns atop his head. Enigma has been featured on episodes of the X Files, in movies, on television and on the cover of music CDs. He and his ex-wife Katzen perform circus acts on the road. Katzen herself may be the only full body modification female in the public eye today. She has full body cat/tiger striped tattoos covering her body, as well as synthetic whisker transplants. Sideshows were once a way to make some money doing something out of the ordinary and shocking the crowds as you traveled. They are not as prevalent as before. But, if you ever have the chance to see such an act it is worth the time as it is unforgettable thanks to these brave souls who express themselves with tattoos and other body art forms.

Circus tattoo art was one of the first public displays of art. Unfortunately, because the tattooed circus acts were labeled as “freaks” by both the circus and the spectators, it didn’t help society accept tattoos and tattoo art any more quickly. In fact, it may have hindered the acceptance in one way or another.



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