
Tony Parker Celebrity Tattoos

Tony Parker copied his wife Eva Longoria Parker's neck tattoo on his left hand between his thumb and index finger. That tattoo is the number nine spelled out and designed so that it reads the same right side up and upside down. "Nine" refers to Parker's jersey number on the San Antonio Spurs. Eva had the tattoo down right before their wedding in 2007, while Parker had his inked nearly a year later. Parker also has his wedding date (7/7/07) in roman numerals tattooed on his left ring finger.

William Anthony Parker (born May 17, 1982) is a French professional basketball player for the San Antonio Spurs. His father was an American professional basketball that emigrated overseas to play ball. Parker played basketball in France until he was invited to attend the Nike Hoop Summit in Indianapolis in 2000. His outstanding performance landed him in the middle of that recruiting ward between several colleges. However, he turned down all of the colleges, entered the 2001 NBA Draft, and has played for the San Antonio Spurs ever since. Although he has had a rocky start, Parker has established himself as powerful scorer and is known for his quickness on the court.

Tony Parker TattoosTony Parker TattoosTony Parker Tattoos