
Demon Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

Traditionally, a Demon is supernatural Creature with a malevolent spirits. Older cultures accept both Good and Evil Demons, but later cultures classified them as mainly Evil. Christian and Judaism terms show Demons as fallen Angels, no longer under the protection of God. Some say that they committed the sins of pride and disobedience, the same as Lucifer (or Satan). They are doomed to be forever tormented and never reconciled with God. Demons are tricky, sly and have the power of prophecy. They have the power to possess a human's body and cause sickness, madness or make the human do Evil acts. Demons are usually conjured or controlled by someone with the sufficient power. The term "demonize" means to characterize someone as Evil or the source of Evil. 

As a Stark contrast to Western beliefs, Eastern cultures believe in a variety of Demons, Good and bad. Demons come in all shapes, sizes and disguise. There are even invisible Demons that only be discovered if they Start singing or whistling. It is very important in these cultures to cultivate the Good will of Demons. They routinely perform rituals andceremonies to either appease Demons or protect themselves against them. Demons are considered worse than war, famine or disease. 

Demons are usually shown with claws, Wings and a pointy Tail. Depending on the culture of the wearer, a Demon tattoo can be for Luck or protection. Demon tattoos can also symbolize Evil or Death. 



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