
Celtic Knot Tattoos

Celtic knots are a type of knot that is usually endless or the representation of those knots for decorative purposes. Knot patterns are common in many of the world's societies for decoration or to tell a story. They began to show up in Celtic art prior to Christian influence but were later integrated in Christian religious art and architecture. 

Celtic tattoos are characterized by interwoven lines representing knots, mazes, spirals and other figures. The distinguishing feature of Celtic knots is that they never end or begin; representing the way the cycle of life is self repeating. Many of the Celtic knot designs tattoo artist used today are derived from the famous Book of Kells. The Book of Kells (also known as the Book of Columba) is a famous manuscript of calligraphy and illustrations, transcribed by Monks in 800 AD. It is widely regarded as Ireland's most prized national treasure. 

Celtic knots tattoos are popular with those whose ethnic backgrounds include Irish, Scottish or Welch ancestry. They are also found on people who want to show their religious beliefs, whether traditional Celtic pagan or Christian.



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