
Ankh Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

The ankh is an Egyptian hieroglyph or symbol that means "life". The exact origin is unknown but it is one of the oldest symbol in the ancient world. It is depicted a cross with a loop over the top, symbolizing many different natural phenomena. Some say that its shape represents the male and female gods, Osiris and Isis, with the cross representing the male phallus and the oval representing the female womb. The oval also represents the sun rising over the horizon of the cross. The ankh also represents the meeting of heaven and earth. 

Many Egyptians gods were depicted with holding the ankh along with a scepter in front of deceased members of the royal family. That pairing is thought to have symbolized the breath of eternal life. Later the ankh came to represent elements of water and air as well as the power of the entire universe. As time went on, the ankh began to be called the Egyptian cross or the "key of life" because of its key-like shape and the belief that it could unlock the gates of death. Today ankh tattoos are often worn by those displaying their spirituality. The ankh tattoo is also thought to provide protection to the wearer. 




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