
Fleur De Lis Tattoos and Tattoo Designs

A Fleur De Lis (sometimes spelled "fleur-de-lys") is a stylized design of a Lily or iris used decoratively or Symbolically. (Fleur De Lis means "lily flower" in French.) Although you can find the Fleur De Lis on countless European coats of Arms and Flags, it has long been the Symbol of France, appearing on French postage stamps. Areas originally settled by France, like Quebec andLouisiana, often incorporate the Fleur De Lis in their iconography. In Spain, the Fleur De Lis is Associated with the Spanish King Juan Carlos I and the Kingdom of Spain. 

Fleur De Lis tattoos can be closely Associated with French heritage. A tattoo that incorporates the Fleur De Lis can also represent faith, wisdom or chivalry. They also found in tattoos that Symbolize Military and scouting organizations.


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